blog, fe, jesus Karla Gomez blog, fe, jesus Karla Gomez

Fe, Paciencia y confianza.

¿Sabías que la fe produce paciencia y la paciencia confianza? La fe es la certeza de lo que se espera y la convicción de lo que no se ve. En esa temporada de creer ahi dos grandes semillas que crecen adentro de nosotros y es la paciencia y la absoluta confianza en Dios.

Lo bonito de la paciencia nos enseña diferentes cosas y entre ellas la confianza .En Romano 8:25 la palabra De Dios nos dice que “…Mantenernos esperando de Dios lo que todavía no se ha manifestado nos enseña a tener paciencia.” En esta espera de lo que estamos creyendo nuestro músculo de confiar en Dios se ejercita.

Confiar y tener confianza es totalmente callar esa voz que nos dice lo opuesto a lo que estamos creyendo que acontecerá en nuestras vidas, y creer que tenemos un Dios grande que cumplirá cada promesa. Por eso querido lector, quiero animarte el día de hoy a que tengas paz en esa temporada que te encuentras en la cual le estas creyendo a Dios por lo imposible. Y que te alegres al igual, porque no solo la semilla de la fe esta creciendo en ti, pero también la paciencia y la confianza completa en un Dios que TODO LO PUEDE.

Dios te bendiga.

KI 🌷

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

"Faith in your season of singleness”

What is faith?

Faith according to the Bible is 'Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.' - Hebrews 11:1.

For years, I dreamed and believed that God would bring the right person into my life, that I would receive the engagement ring I longed for so much, that the proposal would be just as I had always dreamed, and that I would have a wedding full of joy, love, and abundance. And so it happened. I obtained all of this through my faith.

I believed even when I did not see it physically. I believed even when there were no suitors. I believed even when everything seemed to go against what I longed to have in my life. And that's what faith is, as Hebrews 11:1 tells us, it is believing with certainty that it will happen. It is believing with assurance that it will happen even though you do not see it.

That's why I want to encourage you that if you are in your season of singleness to HAVE FAITH! That God will give you what you are believing for. Do not entertain doubt about your present. On the contrary, I encourage you to dream, declare, and prepare yourself, so that when God brings your suitable helper, it will be a blessing, and your song will be one of gratitude and glory to God.

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24

God bless you and with love,

Karla Irías."

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Fe en la Soltería

¿Qué es la fe?

La fe según la biblia es “Ahora bien, la fe es la garantía de lo que se espera, la certeza de lo que no se ve.” - Hebreos 11:1.

Por años estuve soñando y creyendo que Dios traería a mi vida a la persona correcta, que recibiría el anillo de compromiso que anhelaba tanto, la pedida de matrimonio sería tal y como siempre lo soñé y que tendría una boda llena de gozo, amor y abundancia. Y a si mismo paso. Todo esto lo obtuve por mi fe.

Creí aún cuando no lo veía físicamente. Creí aún cuando no habría pretendientes. Creí aún cuando todo iba contrario a lo que anhelaba tener en mi vida. Y así es la fe, como nos dice hebreo 11:1, es creer con garantía que va acontecer. Es creer con certeza que pasará aunque no lo ves.

Por eso quiero animarte que si estás en tu temporada de soltería de que ¡TENGAS FE! Que Dios va a darte aquello por lo cual estás creyendo. No le de cabida a la duda por tu presente. Al revés, te animo a que sueñes, declares, y te prepares, para cuando Dios traiga a tu ayuda idónea, sea de bendición y tu cántico sea de agradecimiento y gloria a Dios.

“Por eso les digo: Crean que ya han recibido todo lo que estén pidiendo en oración, y lo obtendrán.” Marcos 11:24

Dios te bendiga y con amor,

Karla Irías.

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Our Dream Wedding

Wedding of Joseph & Karla.

January 29, 2024, was like a dream come true. For as long as I can remember, I had always dreamed of that day, and when it arrived, it was more than I could have imagined, thought, or asked for. From the day we chose the date to get married, we saw the hand of God moving. God spoke to me and said, "Your wedding will be fully paid for." And so it was, every month when we needed a financial miracle. The dress, shoes, hairstyle, makeup, cake, decoration and coordination of the wedding, food, and much more, were provided by God, touching the hearts of beautiful people so that they would sow into our lives, in which throughout our lives, we will be grateful for this. In the end, God not only gave us what we needed but surprised us with abundance.

I share this testimony with you because I believe with all my heart that if God did it with me, He can also do it with you. You just have to believe and say YES to believing every promise of God that He has declared over your life.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - Matthew 7:7-11.

Below, I am sharing some photos so you can see that it is worth dreaming in God and believing that God can do the impossible.

With love,

Karla Gomez.

Photographer: mitziestefaniaphoto & dannydejs

Wedding Planner & Florist: janessagermanevents

Venue: villatoscanamiami

Hairstylist: j.k.hairstudio

Makeup Artist: ericaortiz_

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Nuestra Boda

Boda de Joseph & Karla.

Enero 29 del 2024, fue todo un sueño. Desde que tengo memoria, siempre había soñado con ese día, y cuando llego fue más de lo que pude imaginar, pensar o pedir. Desde el día que elegimos la fecha para casarnos vimos la mano de Dios moverse. Dios me hablo y me dijo, tu boda será completamente paga. Y así fue cada mes cuando necesitábamos un milagro financiero Dios nos proveía con exactamente lo que necesitábamos. Vestido, zapatos, peinado, Maquillaje, cake, decoración y coordinación de la boda, comida y mucho más, fue provista por Dios, tocando corazones de hermosas personas para que sembraran en nuestras vidas; de las cuales de por vida estaremos agradecidos. Al final, Dios no solo nos dio lo que necesitábamos, pero nos sorprendió con sobreabundancia.

Te comparto este testimonio, porque creo con todo mi corazón, que si Dios lo hizo conmigo también lo puede hacer contigo. Solo tienes que creer y decirle SI en creer cada promesa de Dios que él ha declarado sobre tu vida.

“Pedid, y se os dará; buscad, y hallaréis; llamad, y se os abrirá. Porque todo aquel que pide, recibe; y el que busca, halla; y al que llama, se le abrirá. ¿Qué hombre hay de vosotros, que si su hijo le pide pan, le dará una piedra? ¿O si le pide un pescado, le dará una serpiente? Pues si vosotros, siendo malos, sabéis dar buenas dádivas a vuestros hijos, ¿cuánto más vuestro Padre que está en los cielos dará buenas cosas a los que le pidan?” – Mateo 7:7-11.

A continuación, te dejo algunas fotos para que veas que si vale la pena soñar en Dios y creer que Dios puede hacer lo imposible.

Con Mucho Amor,

Karla Gómez.

Photographer: mitziestefaniaphoto & dannydejs

Wedding Planner & Florist: janessagermanevents

Venue: villatoscanamiami

Hairstylist: j.k.hairstudio

Makeup Artist: ericaortiz_

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez


But he never left them without evidence of himself and his goodness. For instance, he sends you rain and good crops and gives you food and joyful hearts.”

‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭14‬:‭17‬ ‭

One of the thing that happens in the natural is changes in every season. (Nature experiences changes, in which we call, Seasons.)

Some depending of what part of the world experience full spring, summer, fall and winter.  But a particular point of each season is that they are all totally different. (There are some parts of the world that can experience full seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.)

We experience the same cycles in our lives. Seasons are constantly changing. But today I want to share with you, and share some hope… that no matter what season you’re currently in, JESUS WILL NEVER CHANGE.

He is with you in your ups and in your downs. (He will always be with you during the ups and the downs.)

He is with you when you are happy and when the tears come down.

Don’t forget that in Him, within all seasons, you will always have the victory!

Hope this blog blessed you! Leave a comment below.

With love,


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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Best Bible Highlighters

Best Bible highlighters

I’ve been christian for about 19 years already and one of the things I’ve always looked for is for a good highlighter that doesn’t damage my bibles. Finally, this year I found one thanks to a friend of mines from church. These highlighters are not only super cute but the best part is that they are no bleed through markers.

I will be leaving here the link of where to obtain them:

DIVERSEBEE Bible Highlighter

Disclaimer: I’m part of the amazon affiliate program.

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Wedding Table Numbers

I’m finally getting married, and I’m not going to lied, at the beginning when I got engaged, I was a bit nervous on how the process in fining things for the wedding was going to be; but thankfully my experience in finding some of the decor has been amazing.

One of my best friend in this process has been amazon. I have found most of the things I need to make my big day happen there and recently I got the tables numbers for my wedding from there. I will be leaving the link below with the price in case you are interested. But the truth is I’M IN LOVE WITH THEM AND CANT WAIT TO HAVE THEM ON MY WEDDING DAY.

The colors and the class are beautiful and is a perfect match for the decor of the tables for my wedding day.

With love,


Disclaimer: I’m part of the amazon affiliate program.

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Taking care of your face in your 30’s

Hello Gorgeous! If you are in your 30’s and you are starting to see those wrinkles to make an appearance in your gorgeous face, this product is definitely a must (RF Radio Frequency Machine). I learned about it through a friend of mines that is in her early 50s and looks way younger than her age. When I asked her what she does to maintain her face looking so young, she mentioned that since she was in her 30’s she started to use product like this and my goodness it has pay off.

I started to use this product: RF Radio Frequency Machine recently and the change on my forehead (wrinkles) has been very drastic and one I’m very content with. That’s why as an Amazon Affiliated partner, I feel the urged, to express how you should get this if you want to keep that face looking young (without botox jeje).

Also, if you get this product I recommend the Nulift Base Gel to accompany the RF Radio Frequency Machine.

Hope this blog is helpful! and get you the results your are looking to look “forever young.” You can find this product here in

With Love,


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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Add Links on your bio!

Good News! Instagram is now allowing all users to add up to 5 links on their bio. Take advantage of this perk to promote your websites and get that traffic directly coming in.

Here are some steps of how to add your link on Instagram bio:

1.    Edit your Instagram profile. Go to your profile and tap on the “Edit Profile” button.

2.    Add the URL in the Website field. In the “Website” field, enter the URL you want to add to your bio.

3.    Save the changes. Tap on “Done” and that's it–you now have a link in your Instagram bio.

Hope this is helpful! Don’t forget to leave a comment!

With love,


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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

2023 Instagram Tips

Hello there, as you know social media platforms are daily evolving and it’s important to be up to date to catch up. For that reason, as a social media specialist I would like to share some tips of what’s hot on Instagram this 2023:

·       Make sure to turn photos or Stories into Reels.

·       Try and test a viral editing hack.

·       Make sure to Customize your story links.

·       Post a very detailed photo dump.

·       Make a Reel that jumps on a trend.

·       Use the poll sticker on Instagram stories.

·       Make behind-the-scenes content. People are really enjoying these types of content.

·       Host a contest or giveaways, this will attract more people to your page and increase your following.

Hope this is helpful! Don’t forget to leave a comment!

With love,


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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Resting in God’s promises

Do you feel impatient about the promises that God has for you? If you do, you are not alone! Here’s some good news: God is faithful and His promises for you will come your way.

These verses will help you along the way ♥️:

“He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.” – Isaiah 40:29 [NKJV]

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” – Deuteronomy 31:8 [ESV]

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 [NIV]

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” – Exodus 14:14 [ESV]

God bless you!

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

The Yes of God

When you are believing for promises or even for good changes, and you receive opposition, remember that the “No” of man is a Yes from heaven.

God is no man to lie, His word is the truth and the life. For that reason, if you are fiercely believing for anything from heaven and the enemy is giving you the opposite, believe with all your HEART THAT YOU ARE JUST FEW SECOND AWAY to see that miracle or door opening up.

Don’t give up!

With love,

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

30’s Are the Best!

When you are in your late 20’s and you notice that your 30’s are not too far away, you may start to freak out, feel sad or even depressed.

Sometimes we experience sadness because you notice that there are goals you haven’t accomplished, that you hoped you would before hitting the 3rd floor.  Whichever reason that I mentioned or not, these common feelings and thoughts happen because there is a societal imposed idea, that being on the 3rd floor is basically being 100 years old.

I used to be in your shoes, feeling super sad and thinking how my life has flown away. But today, as a person that made it to the “3rd floor,” I’m here to tell you that so far, my 30’s are truly the best. As soon as you cross that bridge, you’ll notice not only that you are more mature but couple of other fun benefits. For example:

  • Lets start with the fact that you CAN throw a giant party for your 30th!

  • You have more knowledge on finances (and actually put it into practice).

  • You and your friends probably have their life in order.

  • People take you more seriously.

Although, as soon as you turn 30, this may be more clear for you. I wanted to use this platform to share these awesome perks.

Hope I gave you some light of what you could look forward to, once you hit the “3rd floor.” Don’t be scared, enjoy every second, and years of your life.

With love,
Karla Gomez

*Photography By Mitzy Demaa & Decor by Innovative Colour Productions.

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

10 Instagram Tips para el 2022

1. Asegúrate de agregar tu bio en instagram

2. Produce 3 a 5 reels en la semana

3. Postea todos los días “historias” (Sin limite)

4. Juega con diferentes Hashtags.

5. Diviértete en creando diferente pautas con lo que posteas.

6. Siempre revisa los “insights” de tu cuenta (si la tienes como un negocio o creador)

7. Agrega un llamado de acción en todo lo que posteas.

8. Lleva tu presencia más afuera de instagram (usa diferentes plataformas).

9. Comparte con las cuentas de tu amigos.

10. ¡Se humano!

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

10 Instagram Tips for 2022

Hi there! Here are 10 quick tips to make your presence strong on Instagram:

1. Make sure you add an instagram bio

2. Produce reels 3-5 times a week.

3. Post stories everyday (and as many as you want).

4. Play around with different hashtags (no more than 5).

5. Have fun in Creating ads with your posts.

6. Constantly look on your insights.

7. Add call to action- on all your posts.

8. Take your presence beyond your instagram account.

9. Engage with other fellows accounts.

10. Be human!

Hope these tips help!

With love, Karla.

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

Instagram & tu Negocio

¿Sabias que Instagram se ha convertido en unas de las plataformas más usada no solo por los jóvenes, pero también por las compañías y las personas adultas? Aquí te compartiré 3 rápidos beneficios si deseas tener una cuenta de Instagram para tu compañía. 

3 Grandes beneficios:

1. Puedes mostrar tu negocio Gratuita:  Al igual que las principales redes de relaciones, Instagram es valioso por el reconocimiento de marca, generación de prospectos, participación de la audiencia y por la mayoría de tus demás objetivos de marketing social.

2. Venta de Productos: Ahora Instagram junto con Facebook, han dado la facilidad a la audiencia de poder vender sus productos por medio de esta plataforma. Esta se llama Instagram Shopping: Una especie de catálogo online de todas las tiendas seguidas por el usuario, permitiendo comprar directamente desde allí, sin redirigirte a un enlace.

Este en mi opinión es unos de los beneficios más grande que esta plataforma ha abierto a la audiencia.  Ya no tienes que tener un “3 party” o integrar otra plataforma para poder etiquetar tu producto en Instagram. 

 3. Interacción con los Clientes: Instagram te da la habilidad de poder interactuar con tus clientes y responder sus preguntas directo por tu profile. 

 En conclusión, aunque hay muchísimas mas razones por las cuales tener una cuenta de Instagram para tu negocio, espero que estos tres beneficios te puedan motivar a crear tu profile y empezar a emprender en Instagram.

Con mucho cariño,

Karla Gomez.

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Karla Gomez Karla Gomez

How many times can I Post to Social Media?

Every social media platform is unique, so one of the first key is to do testing and analyze your results.

But as for these year here are some insights that will help you know how often to post in Social Media platforms in 2022:

  • Instagram, post between 3-7 times per week. Don’t forget to keep in mind that posting more than 2 post a day it’s a dangerous route to go to. You don’t want to overwhelm your audience or feel like you’re spamming the news feed. You also don’t want to be forgotten or miss opportunities for exposure. Now, in your stories you can have a field day posting. Stories can be posted more frequently.

  • Facebook: posting between 1 and 2 times a day is considered a great amount.

  • Twitter: post between 1 and 5 Tweets a day.

  • LinkedIn: post between 1 and 5 times a day.

  • TikTok: post around 1-3 times a day if you’re building your following.

Hope that you enjoyed this blog, and if you’re looking for more social media tips, feel free to check out our blogs on Social media tips as well as leaving a comment.


Karla Gomez

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